Laura Battle – Gallery


Exquisite geometric artworks from Bard College faculty member Laura Battle.

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Category Art & Design, Sacred Geometry Tags , , ,

Mysterious Subterranean Water Channels Of Nazca Peru

In the 5th century the aqueducts were built to provide for years round access to water essential for permanent inhabitation and irrigation of the area. Water running in aquifers was channeled to where it was needed using man-made underground channels. Concentrical paths leading down to these underground channels provided for direct access to the water.

In the Aqueducts of Cantayo where is open air has an S-shaped to slow down the water flow and prevent from running too fast in times of flooding. The Nazca people also constructed access points, which still now give direct access to clean and also oxygenates the water which is surprisingly fresh.

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Videos Tags , , ,

The Resonance Project Foundation Launches The Resonance Academy

Hear from Nassim and other key members of TRPF’s Board and Staff and view a special presentation about the next wave of our research and education initiatives, and learn how you can participate. Learn more:

Category Metascience, Nassim Haramein, Physics, Science, Videos Tags , , , ,

Tool marks on fossilised bones suggests the Americas were inhabited 15,000 years earlier than believed


Scientists have made a dramatic discovery in a streambed in southern Uruguay – a set of 30,000-year-old fossilised animals which show distinctive marks left by human tools.  The immense significance of the discovery is that mainstream archaeology says that humans began arriving in the Americas between 13,000 and 15,000 years ago, and the Clovis people of North and Central America are generally considered the “first Americans.”

The fossils were first uncovered in 1997 when severe drought led local farmers to drain a lagoon in Arroyo del Vizcaíno, which exposed many fossilised animal remains. But these weren’t just any animals. The bones were gigantic.

It wasn’t until 2011 that a team of palaeontologists managed to break their way through the bureaucratic roadblocks to excavate the site, and over the next two years they unearthed thousands of fossils.  It turns out that the bones belong to giant sloths weighing up to 4 tonnes (the size of a small elephant), saber-toothed cats, oversized armadillos, and other mega fauna that roamed the Americas until around 11,000 years ago.

In a recent analysis, just published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, it was revealed that the fossils at Arroyo del Vizcaíno have been radiocarbon dated to between 29,000 to 30,000 years old. And, astonishingly, the bones had marks left by human tools. The team also found a potentially human-made scraper that could have been used on dry animal hides, and stone flakes.  If this is indeed the case, it means that humans inhabited the Americas at least 15,000 years before previously thought. […]

(via Ancient Origins)

Category Anthropology, Archaeology Tags , ,

6 Months of Tonal Vibrations of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake Expressed in Crystal


(via Spoon & Tamago) As part of the Japanese designer’s large-scale one-man show at MOT in Tokyo, Yoshioka has installed a peculiar work he calls “a painting.” Looking much more like a bed of water than a painting, the piece is actually 6-months’ worth of crystal that have been growing, layer by layer, inside a glass tank. It’s truly a work of art that has been ceded to the hand of mother nature.

But the crystals haven’t just been sitting there quietly. Throughout the whole time they’ve been exposed to the music from Tchaikovsky’s ballet, Swan Lake. The tonal vibrations and pulsations materialize within the crystal, dictating its final form.

According to Phenom World, a Netherlands based manufacturer of electron microscopes and other high-tech imaging tools, “crystals exposed to music showed differences in size, form and structure of the surface. But what exactly about different frequencies and rhythm vibrations causes the change still remains a mystery.

Category Art & Design Tags , , ,

Kahlil Gibran – On Love

Kahlil Gibran (January 6, 1883 – April 10, 1931), was a Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer. Born in the town of Bsharri in modern-day Lebanon, as a young man he emigrated with his family to the United States where he studied art and began his literary career. In the Arab world, Gibran is regarded as a literary and political rebel. His romantic style was at the heart of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, especially prose poetry, breaking away from the classical school. In Lebanon, he is still celebrated as a literary hero. He is chiefly known in the English-speaking world for his 1923 book The Prophet, an early example of inspirational fiction including a series of philosophical essays written in poetic English prose. The book sold well despite a cool critical reception, gaining popularity in the 1930s and again especially in the 1960s counterculture. Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu.

Category Art & Design, Mystics, Videos Tags , ,

“Symbols of an Alien Sky” – Comparative Mythology and the Electric Universe

A video documentary that could change everything you thought you knew about ancient, pre-historical times and how much ancient mythology we have carried into modern times and religious thinking.

Based on more than two decades of systematic research and cross-cultural comparison by comparative mythologist David Talbott reconstructs a cosmic drama when planets hung in the sky close to the earth–an epoch of celestial wonder giving rise to time-honored symbols.

Symbols of an Alien Sky will introduce you to celestial spectacles and earth-shaking events once remembered around the world. Archaic symbols of these events still surround us, some as icons of the world’s great religions, though the origins of the symbols appear to be lost in obscurity.

Cultural history seems fragmented and contradictory. But as demonstrated in this introductory episode, there are also levels of deep agreement between the cultures. According to David Talbott, these “archetypes” allow for a radical reinterpretation of both human and planetary history. Competing regional symbols are aspects of “one story told around the world,” a story both awe inspiring and terrifying.

Comparative mythologist David Talbott has devoted much of his life to identifying the “archetypes” or common mythic themes of cultures around the world. His research has been the primary catalyst behind the “Saturn theory.” Founder and publisher of the ten-issue Pensee magazine series “Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered,” he is the author of The Saturn Myth (Doubleday, 1980) and the founder of AEON: A Journal of Myth and Science. He is the director of and co-author (with Wallace Thornhill) of Thunderbolts of the Gods and The Electric Universe.

Category Anthropology, Astronomy, Physics, Science, Symbolism, Videos Tags , , , , ,

American Power Grid Shutdown Excercises Nov. 13th & 14th – GridEx 2013

The U.S. Government is gearing up for a major Preparedness Drill that will simulate a Grid Down Scenario, one that will examine what would happen if the county’s electric grid was taken down by both physical and cyber-attacks.

gridexThe threat is very real and is something that we’ve covered in great detail in the past. Our electric grid is extremely vulnerable to an attack that could leave our country in the dark for weeks, maybe even months.

In preparation for this type of attack, our government is going to test the grids vulnerabilities, as thousands of utility workers team up with anti-terrorism experts, Homeland Security, the F.B.I. and other governmental agencies.

On November 13 — 14, 2013, the United States; Canada; and Mexico, along with more than 150 companies and organizations in all three countries, will take part in the GridEx 2013 Preparedness Drill – one of the largest preparedness drills in our country’s history. They will practice for an event unlike anything this country has ever seen, one experts fear is only a matter of time away from happening.

The drill will look at how the three governments react to the loss of the power grid, and a crippled supply chain that would inevitably follow the event.

Category Astronomy, Videos Tags , , , ,

Projection Mapping, Robots & Portals

Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping on moving surfaces. The short film documents a live performance, captured entirely in camera.

Bot & Dolly produced this work to serve as both an artistic statement and technical demonstration. It is the culmination of multiple technologies, including large scale robotics, projection mapping, and software engineering. We believe this methodology has tremendous potential to radically transform theatrical presentations, and define new genres of expression.

Category Art & Design, Videos Tags , , , , , ,

New Paul Laffoley Book – Premonitions of the Bauharoque

For more than 40 years, the art of Paul Laffoley (born 1940) has synthesized a broad swath of disciplines–from art history, architecture and classical literature to science fiction and natural and occult sciences–offering alternative ways to understand and rethink the world that surrounds us. Laffoley combines diagrams, symbols and texts to create densely layered paintings that take anywhere from one to three years to paint. This sustained and intense focus on both image and content has produced a unique and complex body of work that combines theory and encrypted knowledge with visionary representation. Paul Laffoley: Premonitions of the Bauharoque reproduces in facsimile a series of handwritten journal entries that span Laffoley’s career, alongside color reproductions of the artist’s earliest mature work from 1965. These journal entries, which precede and form the basis of his paintings, explicate Laffoley’s rich cosmology.

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Category Art & Design, Books & Podcasts, Esoterica, Mystics, Symbolism Tags , , , , , , , ,

Hans Jenny’s Cymatic Soundscapes with Powder

These experiments were performed by Hans Jenny in the 1960s. Here he vibrates Lycopodium,(a fine powder which is actually the spores of a club moss) using audible sound. The powder rises up from the surface of the taut rubber membrane, and creates a variety of amazing phenomena. At certain frequencies, it even assumes a circulatory pattern above the surface of the membrane, both generated and contained by the force field of the sound pulsations.

Category Music, Sacred Geometry, Videos Tags , , ,

Edgar Cayce Reading 1469-1

“For the entity, as each soul, is a portion of the whole. Thus, though a soul may be as but a speck upon the earth’s environs, and the earth in turn much less than a mote in the universe, if the spirit of man is so attuned to the Infinite, the music of harmony becomes as the divine love that makes for the awareness in the experience of the Creative Forces working with self for the knowledge of the associations with same.”

Category Mystics, Quotes Tags ,