“Symbols of an Alien Sky” – Comparative Mythology and the Electric Universe

A video documentary that could change everything you thought you knew about ancient, pre-historical times and how much ancient mythology we have carried into modern times and religious thinking.

Based on more than two decades of systematic research and cross-cultural comparison by comparative mythologist David Talbott reconstructs a cosmic drama when planets hung in the sky close to the earth–an epoch of celestial wonder giving rise to time-honored symbols.

Symbols of an Alien Sky will introduce you to celestial spectacles and earth-shaking events once remembered around the world. Archaic symbols of these events still surround us, some as icons of the world’s great religions, though the origins of the symbols appear to be lost in obscurity.

Cultural history seems fragmented and contradictory. But as demonstrated in this introductory episode, there are also levels of deep agreement between the cultures. According to David Talbott, these “archetypes” allow for a radical reinterpretation of both human and planetary history. Competing regional symbols are aspects of “one story told around the world,” a story both awe inspiring and terrifying.

Comparative mythologist David Talbott has devoted much of his life to identifying the “archetypes” or common mythic themes of cultures around the world. His research has been the primary catalyst behind the “Saturn theory.” Founder and publisher of the ten-issue Pensee magazine series “Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered,” he is the author of The Saturn Myth (Doubleday, 1980) and the founder of AEON: A Journal of Myth and Science. He is the director of Thunderbolts.info and co-author (with Wallace Thornhill) of Thunderbolts of the Gods and The Electric Universe.

Category Anthropology, Astronomy, Physics, Science, Symbolism, Videos Tags , , , , ,


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