Tag Archives: indigenous

Heart & Mind Festival NYC – Nov. 17th

The Heart & Mind 2012 Festival is a unique platform for cross-cultural dialogue that moves beyond conventional approaches to seek practical solutions for the good of the global community.  This festival is not an event – it’s a movement dedicated to… Continue reading

Category Consciousness, Shamanism Tags , , , , , , ,

Addressing Climate Change With Indigenous Knowledge – National Geographic

Traditional knowledge must be an integral part of the global climate discourse One important sign of the indigenous peoples being largely absent from the climate change policy and decision-making processes is the virtual lack of references to the existing traditional… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Science, Shamanism Tags , ,

Kallawaya Medicine Men of Bolivia

The Kallawaya are medicine men of the high Andes in Bolivia. They were considered the sacred healers of the Incas and are said to know over 600 plants and herbs. Today they continue their practice of ceremonial healing in the… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Shamanism, Videos Tags , , ,

Chachapoyas – Cloud People of Peru

A massive ruin offers fresh clues about the culture of Peru’s vanished Chachapoya, the “cloud warriors” who battled the Inca Empire more than 500 years ago. Best known for building mountainous cliff-side tombs and filling them with bundled mummies, the… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology Tags , , , ,

Uncontacted Tribe – Human Planet: Jungles – BBC One

http://youtu.be/5lWVVFHzuLE New footage of one of the world’s last uncontacted tribes living in the Brazilian rainforest. Jose Carlos Meirelles works for FUNAI, a government agency that protects Brazil’s indigenous people. Because of the threat posed by illegal logging and mining,… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology Tags , , ,


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Category Anthropology, Art & Design, Medicine, Shamanism, Symbolism Tags , , , , , ,