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Sadek Bazaraa
Tag Archives: water
Water found in stardust suggests life is universal
(New Scientist) A sprinkling of stardust is as magical as it sounds. The dust grains that float through our solar system contain tiny pockets of water, which form when they are zapped by a blast of charged wind from the… Continue reading
Category Astronomy, Science
Tags panspermia, stardust, water
Solar System Shifts & Space Weather
Earth changes -) solar system changes. Earth weather -) Space weather.
Category Astronomy, Videos
Tags climate change, CME, earth changes, solar flare, space weather, Sun, sunspots, water, weather
Last Call at the Oasis documenatary on water crisis
Developed, financed and executive produced by Participant Media, the company responsible for AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, FOOD, INC. and WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN”, LAST CALL AT THE OASIS presents a powerful argument for why the global water crisis will be the central… Continue reading
Water Flouridation – DANGER!!! – Links to Cancer
If FLUORIDE gets into the river, it`s a pollutant. If it gets into the lake, it`s a pollutant, but if it goes right into your drinking water system, it`s not a pollutant. That`s amazing…. – Dr. J. William Hirzy, E.P.A.… Continue reading
Category Chemistry, Medicine, Videos
Tags conspiracy, filter, flouride, poison, toothpaste, water
Russian Drill Penetrates 14-Million-Year-Old Antarctic Lake
Russian news agency Ria Novosti has reported that the team penetrated Lake Vostok on Feb. 5, 2012. According to the report, the researchers stopped drilling at a depth of 3,768 meters as they reached the surface of the sub-glacial lake.… Continue reading
Stockholm techies use water to charge mobile phones
A Swedish company headquartered in Stockholm has figured out how to power smartphones using a system that includes some water, a tray, a little round container, and an eyeglass case styled cover. The company, myFC, is introducing its PowerTrekk system… Continue reading
Pyramids: Ancient Power Source
Fantastic clip describing various power sources that were present in ancient Egypt with perhaps a more accurate description on some of the functions of the Pyramids. Touches on Nikola Tesla whose Wardenclyffe Tower was based on similar principles. Also, discusses… Continue reading
Category Archaeology, Free Energy, Physics, Videos
Tags Ark, energy, favorite, Moses, Nassim Haramein, pyramids, Tesla, TRPF, water, zero point
Shungite – Mystery Stone
Shungite is a Precambrian rock, a metamorphosed coal, which is a transition phase from the anthracite to the graphite. Its color is black. Shungite is unique. The deposits of it have only been discovered Karelia, Russia. It is the only… Continue reading
LCROSS – Mission to Search for Water on the Moon
The LCROSS mission was designed to search for water on the moon by sending a rocket crashing into the moon, causing a big impact, and creating a crater throwing tons of debris and potentially water ice and vapor above the… Continue reading