Tag Archives: resonance

Harmonic Interference: A Grand Scientific Musical Theory – Richard Merrick

Harmonic Interference Theory represents a major breakthrough in our understanding of music and perception. Triggered by a moment of insight thirty years earlier, this theory explains how harmonics combine to form coherent geometrical patterns that our auditory system recognizes as… Continue reading

Category Art & Design, Books & Podcasts, Esoterica, Music, Physics, Sacred Geometry, Symbolism Tags , , , ,

The Science Delusion: dogma in contemporary science – Rupert Sheldrake

Sheldrake questions many of science’s basic ‘truths’, which are revealed, with splendid irony, to be either assumptions or, heaven forbid, beliefs. That the Universe began with a Big Bang has been orthodoxy since the 1960s, but it is actually a… Continue reading

Category Consciousness, Science Tags , , , ,

Alexander Putney book & interview on ancient sites, artifacts, and knowledge + free PHI download

Highly recommended is Alexander Putney’s first book PHI which discusses the idea of Giza as a fulcrum point for global resonance in relation to the function and alignment of many of the world’s sacred sites. Features many breathtaking South American… Continue reading

Category Archaeology, Books & Podcasts, Sacred Geometry, Videos Tags , , , , , ,

Intuition: Delusion or Perception? Toward a Scientific Explanation of the Akashic Experience

Interesting article on the holographic nature of mind by twice-nominated Nobel Peace Prize candidate Ervin Laszlo. Excerpts and full article link below. •••••••••••••••••• The intuitions reported by mystics, poets, artists, ordinary people, even scientists, often go beyond the range of… Continue reading

Category Consciousness, Science Tags , , , ,

Resonance Mandalas of La Maná

In 1984 a large cache of over 300 artifacts was discovered by a small group of gold prospectors led by engineer Dr. Elias Sotomayor in a tunnel 300’ below ground in the jungle-covered mountains of La Maná, Ecuador. Accurate dating… Continue reading

Category Archaeology Tags , , , , , ,