Online wisdom teachings with Maestro Manuel Rufino

Very pleased to announce an ongoing series of free webinars with Maestro Manuel Rufino.  (currently given in English with Polish translations)

About: Maestro Manuel comes from the Taino tradition from the Caribbean. He is an elder, spiritual guide, gifted ceremonial leader, teacher of sacred initiatic traditions of the world, member of the Mayan Solar Order of Chichen Itza, and an artist. Guided by his teacher, Maestro Domingo Dias Porta, he has been following the trails of indigenous healing arts for over 37 years. Currently, Maestro Manuel travels around the world sharing sacred initiatic traditions, leading workshops, lectures, sweat lodges & healing rituals.

Extraterrestrial Civilizations: From Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous and Homo Cosmos  Maestro Rufino talks about the Egyptian, Mayan, Incan, Chinese and Sumerian Civilizations – about the many layers and dimensions of our universe and the cosmic connection to the center of the galaxy.

Previous webinar – The Warrior Within

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