Schumann’s Resonances and Human Psychobiology

Lewis B. Hainsworth of Western Australia first recognized the relationship of brain wave frequencies to naturally circulating rhythmic signals, known as Schumann’s Resonances (SR), in the space between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. Hainsworth imparted this awareness to Dr. Robert O. Becker, noted electromagnetics pollution expert, and to Harvard neurologists as early as 1975. In 1977, the relationship between brain-wave rhythms and natural earth ELF signals became the basis for Itzhak Bentov’s Stalking the Wild Pendulum (Dutton, 1977).

Later research confirmed a relationship to health, well-being, and even ESP or psi phenomena. Hainsworth sent up a clarion cry against hazardous EM pollution. Dangers pale compared to the global threat of technologies such as HAARP, which send violent pulsations into the earth’s ionosphere, potentially disrupting the entire electromagnetic shield of the earth. Some suggest that the frequency of the basic SR is changing in value, possibly threatening the whole biosphere, human welfare, and our evolutionary future. All biological processes are a function of electromagnetic field interactions, which are the connecting link between the world of form and resonant patterns. EM fields store gestalts or patterns of information. The bridge connecting solar system resonances and brain frequencies resides in our human DNA helix, which evolved in this environment.

INTRODUCTION The rhythm of life has evolved at an even tempo for epochs. We live in a matrix of oscillating fields; the tiniest fluctuations in one interlocked field carry over perturbation into others. Many times per second, pulses travel completely around the world between our planet’s surface and the ionosphere sending coordinating signals to all organisms. These signals couple us to the global electrostatic field. Named for their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) provide the orchestrating pulse for life on our planet.


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