A FREE Introduction to concepts on Sacred Geometry, New Physics, Ancient Civilizations, Energy Technology, Cosmology, Consciousness & More
Presented by Galactic Resonance, Golden Drum and
Resonance Project Emissary Sadek Bazaraa
SUNDAY, MAY 20th at Golden Drum from 4 to 6pm, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation Description:
Join us for an exciting exploration into a diverse range of seemingly disparate topics and allow the spiral thread of unification to unfold as we begin to demonstrate an underlying connection between all things. We’ll be taking a look at a number of short video clips that will serve as the foundation for a more in depth and upcoming workshop on The Unified Field Theory of Nassim Haramein on Saturday, June 2nd.
Topics will include:
cymatic forms • sacred geometry in architecture • the relation of musical scales to astrology • latest findings at the Bosnian Pyramids • structured water devices • sound use for treating cancer • measuring the size of the universe • the suppression of energy technology • crystalline structures • modern day holographic theory • the Power of Spin • etc.
Nassim Haramein is the Director of Research at The Resonance Project Foundation, a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to the exploration of unification principles and their implications in our world today. The foundation is actively developing a research park where science, sustainability, green technology and permaculture come together.
Sadek Bazaraa, founder of Galactic Resonance, is an independent researcher / artist / designer and has been trained by Nassim to present his Unified Field Theory as an official “emissary” of The Resonance Project Foundation.