A. T. Mann – 12 Mandalas

A. T. Mann – 12 Mandalas

The paintings are mandalas based on major religious, philosophical and cosmological systems, which were all created and organized using the square and the circle. They relate to the astrological signs by their qualities, numerology and symbolism. The paintings were first exhibited in London in 1976 at the First Festival of Mind and Body, in 1996 in Copenhagen at AstrologiHuset and the originals live in Majorca. They were published as cards in1975, appeared in many of my books (1979, 1986, 1993, 1995), in magazines, and were serialized in the Dutch journal BRES in the early 1980s. The original paintings are 48 x 66 cm. and are owned by a private collector on Majorca.

A.T. (or Tad) Mann is a creative practitioner, teacher, author and artist, and an award-winning, professional astrologer and Tarot reader since 1972. He received a five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree from Cornell University and worked as an award-winning architectural designer for major firms in New York City and Rome, Italy.

A.T.’s 14 books have been translated into 20 different languages, covering a very wide range of subjects. He also designed The Mandala Astrological Tarot deck, integrating Astrology and Tarot, that went on to sell over 75,000 copies. He lived in England and Denmark for 26 years, and now lives in Hudson, NY.

Artist(s): Site: http://www.atmann.net


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